The city of North Myrtle Beach is growing and with growth has come unprecedented demand for public parking opportunities, especially at the beach.
The Park North Myrtle Beach program seeks to formalize public parking opportunities along the city’s nine miles of ocean beach by introducing paid parking in public parking lots on either side of Ocean Boulevard June 15-October 31, 9 a.m. – 5p.m. daily with a parking fee of $2 per hour. In succeeding years, the program will run March 1-October 31.
Park North Myrtle Beach emphasizes customer-friendly parking amenities and services with the goal of investing parking revenue back into the community to improve service to patrons and stakeholders for years to come.

During a stay in a Park North Myrtle Beach parking lot, one may encounter a Parking Enforcement Ambassador hired by and reporting directly to Lanier Parking. Lanier Parking manages the city’s paid parking program, and these trained, courteous ambassadors are there to help you understand the pay-to-park systems offered in the lots. They also are empowered by the city to enforce parking laws, including parking violations.
A full-time North Myrtle Beach resident who has registered their vehicle to their North Myrtle Beach address may bring their vehicle registration and South Carolina driver’s license to City Hall to apply for a free parking decal. No fee.
A North Myrtle Beach property owner whose golf cart is permitted to their North Myrtle Beach address through the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) may bring a photo of the permit on their golf cart and their driver’s license to City Hall to apply for a free parking decal. No fee. Apply for a golf cart permit at www.scdmvonline.com.
A full-time North Myrtle Beach resident who has registered their vehicle to their company or who drives a company car, which fits into a traditional parking space, may bring their most recent property tax bill and South Carolina driver’s license to City Hall to apply for a free parking decal. An application fee of $50 per vehicle applies to this category.
Overall, there is a limit of two free parking decals per household.
For more information on the free parking decal program only, call (843) 280-5585 or email parking@nmb.us.
At this time, the city is not offering free parking decals to vacation or second homeowners unless their vehicle is registered or their golf cart permitted to their North Myrtle Beach address.

Thus far, the city has issued 8,000-plus free parking decals. There are 1,300 public parking spaces on either side of Ocean Boulevard included in the pay-to-park program. The city will review the Park North Myrtle Beach program after its first year of operation and make any adjustments then. The city intends to buy land on which to create public parking spaces, potentially making inclusion of second homeowners in the decal program more practical.
At this time, the city is not offering a parking decal program for those who reside outside the city limits and who do not own property in the city.
Ways to Pay to Park: Use the Passport Parking App or a Parkeon Pay ‘N Go Kiosk.
The Passport Parking App works on iOS (Apple) and Android mobile phones.
• Download the App to your phone from the Apple or Google Play Store for a convenient way to pay for parking.
• No waiting in line at a pay kiosk.
• Receive email or text alerts when your time is about to run out.
• If you want to stay longer than anticipated, just go to the App and pay for extra time without leaving the beach.
Parkeon Pay ‘N Go Kiosks will ultimately be located in many of our public parking lots as a payment option. They do not take coins or bills.
No App or Credit Card? Call the Park North Myrtle Beach Office at (843) 480-3711 and they will assist you.
Parking Violations –
• Pay tickets online at www.northmyrtlebeach.payvats.com.
• Pay tickets by mail to the address listed on the front of the ticket. Make checks payable to Lanier Parking.
• Request an administrative review of the violation online at www.appealvats.com. The request is due in the parking enforcement office within seven calendar days of the violation issuance date.
Parking Tips –
• Only park your vehicle in an official parking space. If a parking lot is full, do not improvise; move to another lot.
• Do not park so close to another vehicle that its owner cannot open the doors when it comes time for them to leave.
Protect Your Valuables –
• Always lock your car doors.
• Do not leave valuables in your car. If you do, hide them from view.
• Keep your car windows closed. If you must crack them, be sure a person cannot reach inside to unlock the door.
• Do not store an extra key under the car fender, on the wheel, etc.
When Park North Myrtle Beach is fully functional, information will be available here:
• A website: www.parknorthmyrtlebeach.com.
• Email: parknmb@lanierparking.com.
• By Phone: (843) 480-3711
• Visit or Write: Park North Myrtle Beach, 101 South Ocean Boulevard, North Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29582.